2024 July Membership Meeting

Join your fellow members to connect and learn with our featured speaker

Tadia Rice as she shares about how to boost your business and career talking

about What Is Mental Mastery and Why You Need It

At The Old Spaghetti Factory at Aloha Tower Marketplace

07-25-2024 at 5:30 pm

MENTAL MASTERY helps with managing anxiety, attitude, beliefs,confidence, concentration, emotional control, focus, motivation, mental toughness, optimism, resilience, and more. Mental Mastery empowers you with insight into the unconscious patterns that silently drives your behaviors and outcomes in life. Mental Mastery includes tools, techniques and laws to help control your thinking, which in turn controls your future. Challenge yourself to reach your full potential with Braine training!

MENTAL MASTERY helps you unlock your:

• Laser-like focus

• Disciplined thinking

• Authentic confidence

• Effortless achievement


• Achieve higher levels of focus

• Create healthier thinking patterns

• Use perceptive thinking

• Gain self-assurance regardless in any scenario

• Demonstrate emotional control

• Have a disciplined state of “Flow”

• Attain true mindfulness

• Foster real connections

• Kindle creativity

• Experience beauty in the present moment

Guests are welcome, though they must register!

At The Old Spaghetti Factory at 3 Aloha Tower Dr 1106 ste 1106, Honolulu, HI 96813

More about Tadia:

Tadia Rice is Vice-Chair of the Ethics Commission for the City and County of Honolulu. As a Commissioner she strives to advance the standards of ethical conduct to promote, improve and maintain public confidence in government.  Her career includes multi-disciplinary business executive with more than 20 years of international experience in organizational dynamics, thought leadership, enterprise transformation, governance and ethics, cultural competence, indigenous resolution models, geo-political affairs, information security, social justice, gender issues, and expressive arts.  In addition, Rice is an expert contributor to magazines and industry publications, and a contributing author to several books on social justice, spirituality, and global gender issues. She has authored Performance for Incarcerated Women; Transforming Horror Into Hope: The Women of Rwanda; Artificial Intelligence: The Future Is Now; What’s Your Mindset: Gaunxi; Lead With Aloha; and more. Rice is also an on-air broadcaster, media personality, keynote speaker and performer who has appeared on television, radio, and in theatre productions. With a global network of strategic alliances Rice enjoys international influence while maintaining a passion for people and our world.

In 2023 Rice became an Award-winning film producer for her first documentary at the 2023 prestigious Cannes International Film Festival Shorts Award. She also garnered semi-finalist status at the Toronto International Women Film Festival. “BEYOND BARS: Prison Women Speak” is an observational film documentary executive produced by the Tahirih Association. The film shines light on a rarely seen, heard, and often misunderstood vulnerable population of incarcerated women in American. The film has been hailed as a beacon of light to currently incarcerated women and younger female adults who may be at-risk. The film provides a new perspective for viewers, and is a testament to Rice’s dedicated work to uplift women.  

Rice founded the Tahirih Association in 2000. Since then it has fostered the advancement of women and girl change-makers around the world, providing education scholarships to 22 girls and women in six countries: Lakota/Oglala Nation (1); Liberia (10); Honduras (1); Namibia (1); South Africa (1); United States (8). The Association also supports a prison reentry program for formerly incarcerated women, and a safe house with a food sustainability program for women and their families in two impoverished communities in South Africa.

In 2023 Rice was recognized by the Hawai`i State legislature for her work uplifting women; in 2022 she received the Stars of Oceania Leadership Award from the University of Hawai`i; in 2017 she recieved the Medal of Honor from the prestigious Ellis Island Honors Society in New York City; and in 2016 she was inducted as a Dame Knight by the Orthodox Order of Saint John, a preeminent international relief organization. For her services to promote equality, women, communities of color, and marginalized peoples, Rice has been honored by the United States Congress; California State Senate; the City of Atlanta; the City and County of Honolulu; and the United Nations Association.

Rice currently serves on the Boards of the Tahirih Association, Oglala Sioux Tribal Film Commission, and the Princess of Africa Foundation. She is also a Citizen Diplomat of American Councils for International Education, and a member of the Society for Human Resource Management, National Speakers Association, NAACP-Honolulu Chapter, Hawai`i Womenʻs Prison Project, Honolulu Museum of Art African-American Film Festival, and the Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club.

Connect on LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dametadiarice/

Guests are welcome, though they must register!

Have an idea or recommendation?  Then please share with info@nsahawaii.org!

2024 July Membership Meeting
07-25-2024 at 5:30 pm
Register Now
2024 July Membership Meeting
07-25-2024 at 5:30 pm
Register Now

AI Summary

The conversation centered aroundpersonal growth, development, and mastery. Speakers emphasized the importanceof introspection, self-awareness, resilience, and lifelong learning. Theydiscussed the role of discipline, mental mastery, and brain training inachieving personal freedom and reaching one's full potential. The speakers alsoexplored the functions of the brain, the impact of nutrition and exercise oncognitive function, and the potential benefits of pets on mental health.Finally, they shared their experiences and insights on learning and developmentin prisons, mentorship, self-discovery, and personal and professional growth.

Action Items

  • [ ] Read and understand the     handouts on brain anatomy and functions.
  • [ ] Incorporate puzzles, reading,     new skills and memory games into daily routine for brain training.
  • [ ] Associate with actualized     individuals who can provide inspiration and not drain energy.
  • [ ] Understand what triggers the     amygdala and fight or flight response to better achieve self-regulation.


Personal growth, self-awareness, and mental mastery.

  • Speaker seeks to enhance mental     toughness, concentration, and emotional control.
  • Speaker reflects on personal     growth through travel and mental mastery.

Personal growth and mastery through emotional control, psychologicaldevelopment, and surrender.

  • Speaker discusses mastery and     emotional resilience, emphasizing the importance of learning new skills     and controlling emotions.
  • Speaker highlights the importance     of psychological mastery, practicing self-awareness, and always learning.
  • Surrendering ego for mental     mastery requires change and self-awareness.
  • Discipline, self-awareness, and     support system key to mental mastery.

Brain function, rewiring, and cognitive development.

  • Tadia emphasizes the importance     of brain training and neuroplasticity.
  • Speaker discusses rewiring the     brain and its control over emotions, reasoning, and learning.

Brain function, creativity, and mental health.

  • Speaker emphasizes both sides of     the brain are used, despite popular "left brain" or "right     brain" myth.
  • Speaker emphasizes importance of     brain training, nutrition, and exercise for cognitive function and overall     well-being.
  • Speaker discusses benefits of     pets for mental health, including reduced anxiety and depression.

The impact of corporal punishment on children's brain development andbehavior.

  • Children who experience corporal     punishment may develop neurological pathways leading to violence.
  • The speaker discusses the limbic     amygdala hijack, where emotions can take over in times of crisis or     stress, leading to aggressive behavior.
  • The speaker shares personal     experiences of losing control and behaving aggressively when faced with     unexpected situations or triggers.

Brain training and self-regulation.

  • Speaker discusses the role of     amygdala in fear and aggression, and the importance of impulse control.
  • Understand your brain to regain     control and achieve mental mastery.
  • Tadia shares their experience in     prison and the importance of collaboration.

Communication and mental mastery skills for personal and professionalgrowth.

  • Speaker discusses the importance     of communication and self-awareness skills in personal growth and     development.
  • They argue that younger     generations are learning differently and relying on different ways to     learn, such as through technology.
  • Tadia shares knowledge to mentor     others, gaining clarity in business.

Aging, self-reinvention, and AI.

  • Speaker reflects on their journey     of self-discovery and identity, particularly as a woman in her 70s.
  • Speaker shares insights on how to     coach men and women differently, based on their own experiences and     training as a performer.
  • Speakers discuss the importance     of self-awareness and personal growth.
  • Tadia discusses AI, cautioning     against uninformed experts and emphasizing the need for proper     understanding.
  • Tadia shares their personal     experience of reinventing themselves through learning and writing about     AI.

Rewiring the brain for better mental clarity and self-confidence.

  • Speaker 4 discusses rewiring the     brain to improve memorization, using techniques like associating     characters with actual devices in the kitchen to create a story.
  • Speaker 4 suggests telling the     brain that scrolling on social media is important work to avoid mindless     scrolling and increase productivity.
  • Tadia plans to market to Baby     Boomers through documentaries and video testimonials, allowing them to     control their eulogy before death.
  • Tadia is also creating artist     bios and documentaries, focusing on the Baby Boomer market.

Writing processes and productivity among writers.

  • Tadia discusses their book on AI     and its impact on society, hoping to lead to appearances and talks on how     to handle the technology ethically.
  • Tadia and others discuss writing     books and creating a writing group for support, with Speaker 5 working on     a book for youth on common sense principles and making smart choices.
  • Tadia: "I don't have a     disciplined writing process. I just write when I can."
  • Speaker 3: "Knowing your     writing rhythm is key to self-mastery."

Prioritizing tasks and setting boundaries for personal and professionalgrowth.

  • Speaker 2 emphasizes importance     of scheduling based on personal productivity peaks.
  • Speaker 2 prioritizes family     during holiday season, declines speaking engagement.
  • Tadia emphasizes importance of     setting boundaries and prioritizing personal goals.


NOTE: There may be inconsistencies dueto the AI technology used to capture – please review for accuracy all contentbefore taking action.