2024 February Virtual Luncheon Meeting

Join us Tuesday, February 13th, 2024, at 12pm HST in our Virtual Room (on zoom!) to welcome NY Times Best Selling Author Suzanne Evans!

02-13-2024 at 12:00 pm.

Suzanne will give you the tips and action plan needed to walk into every room or Zoom meeting and sign-off with hot new leads and thousands in sales. Your audience will learn how to land leads that they are excited to work with, opportunities to grow your business, sales that boost your bottom line and clients that are a joy to work with. More about Suzanne: Suzanne Evans is a NY Times Best Selling Author and the only female business coach to make the Inc 500/5000 for 5 consecutive years in a row. Her company Driven Inc., and its clients have closed over 200 million dollars from the stage.  Teaching business owners to simplify their marketing and use speaking for 6 and 7 figures pay days is her superpower.  She uses stages to give her the freedom and flexibility to homeschool her seven year old son, works part time in the summer from her home in Maine and raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for causes around education and women.Any questions or comments, please reach out to your leadership team info@speakersassociationofhawaii.org as we so look forward to having your digital presence and sharing the virtual energy!Have an idea or recommendation?  Then please share with info@speakersassociationofhawaii.org!

Don't worry if you missed the event!

You can catch up on any of the events you've missed. Also learn more about the speaker below.

Thanks for joining us! If you missed it here's the recording link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqwRqYo3lmw

Don't forget to take advantage of Suzanne's offer - you can click here for details: http://captivatespecialoffer.com/

And here's what one of our members said about Suzanne:

"I stumbled across Suzanne Evans while on a break from a Mastermind in another coaching program. I had been searching for the "right fit" coach to help me launch my new business for over 14 months and had already experienced several different programs, each with its inherent value.  On that morning I intended to pass the 45 minutes before the other Mastermind continued after a break so I jumped onto a link for Captivate somewhere into its 2nd day.

I was immediately drawn to Suzanne Evan's coaching style and its intense focus on storytelling.  Storytelling has been the thru line of my professional life, initially as a criminal defense litigator engaging with juries and then as a Hollywood Television Producer pitching to Networks.  In all those months of searching I could not figure out how to monetize this passion.

It was electric: in the first few minutes of stepping into the Captivate Zoom room, I had the instant "aha" that I needed clarity on 3 missing ingredients Suzanne was addressing: 1) what business problem could my storytelling solve? 2) What was the way to tie a story back with a resolution/moral that addressed that problem? and 3) How to create a whiplash that instantly grabbed the audience?

When Suzanne made the offer from the stage of "Done for You" as the signature feature of the Spotlight Program, I knew instantly that this was going to enable my breakthrough. I could not sign up quickly enough. Suzanne has disrupted my life in the best of ways as I have committed to answering those 3 questions. I have been humbled by the challenge, stretched miles beyond my comfort zone, and exhilarated with each baby step of accomplishment.  She is an MBA Program, a cheerleader, a military commander, and mother earth all in one.  She is the most generous and accessible coach of seven I have experienced and the most demanding with homework assignments that make me cringe with the visibility required. The peer community she has created in the program through the Marco Polo feature has connected me with a brilliant, caring, diversely talented amazing international cohort that in itself has and will continue to enable my growth to a new prosperity and support system I never imagined possible."